Free Support for anyone seeking Volunteering Opportunities
Peterborough Council for Voluntary Service (PCVS) through their Volunteer Centre, is delighted to be relaunching their monthly face to face drop in sessions for anyone who wants to volunteer and is looking for a new challenge, improve their skills or wants to build their confidence after being out of work for a period of time.
The PCVS Volunteer Centre has had a long history in supporting members of the Peterborough Community secure volunteer roles.The drop in sessions are designed for interested parties to come along and have an informal chat with PCVS’ Volunteer Coordinator, Sarah Woodbine. Sarah has a wealth of knowledge and experience of volunteering herself and will share what current opportunities exist locally, answer any questions and help people find the right opportunity for them. She would also be happy to share her own experiences in her personal volunteering journey.
Sarah says, “Working with member organisations we can find the best match for people with either the skills they have or the skills they wish to develop. The drop in sessions are an excellent starting point if people are unsure what want to do and which volunteering roles would be right for them. Sometimes a representative from our member organisations drop in too, we had Citizen’s Advice Peterborough drop in at our last one. This gives people an excellent opportunity to meet organisations face to face and see directly what they have to offer”
“At PCVS we are passionate about encouraging people to help their communities and believe that volunteering can be beneficial in improving overall mental well-being for the individual as well as creating a better community for all. We do hope people will join us at the sessions to kick start their volunteering journey or if they have volunteered before, find the right opportunity for them.”
The next volunteering drop in session will run on Wednesday the 27th of July. Anyone is welcome to drop in at the PCVS office, 32-34 Cromwell road, Peterborough between 11am and 1pm. If you can’t make next week then they will run at the same time and place the last Wednesday of every month. There is no need to book but if you need more information please contact