Peterborough CVS and PCC to run summit tackling the cost of living in Peterborough.
A Cost of Living Summit is set to take place in Peterborough next week as part of the Peterborough Council for Voluntary Services’ (PCVS) VCS Recovery project funded by The National Lottery Community Fund.
PCVS and Peterborough City Council brings together residents, partners, and voluntary organisations to discuss ways that they can further support residents in need this winter.
The summit comes as the cost of virtually everything we buy in everyday life has increased and further exposed the deep financial inequalities that have continued for Peterborough’s residents.
According to the Department for Work and Pensions, one in three children in our borough are currently living in poverty. The latest Financial Impact Tracker results from global investment company abrdn claim that one in six UK households are now in “serious financial difficulties” due to the ongoing cost of living crisis. This is compared with one in 10 in October last year
The data on the cost of living in Peterborough is equality stark. For instance, nearly half of universal claimants in Peterborough were in work. Similarly more than a third of children in Peterborough live in households on less than 60% of the median wage after housing costs. The current pressures on household finances due to inflation are likely to exacerbate this situation. Therefore, the need for a summit addressing the situation across Peterborough is greater than ever.
To help deliver the summit, Stuart Haw, PCVS Community Health Manager and Ester Baffa-Isaacs, Cohesion and Social Mobility Manager from Peterborough City Council as part of the City Councils Safer Peterborough Partnership have been working together to scope out the issues affecting local people. They have brought local community leaders and statutory services together within the partnership to understand issues, what provisions are available and what gaps need to be addressed further.
Stuart said: “I want to encourage our members from the Charity and Voluntary Sector and members of the public to see this summit as a vital way to stay informed about what the challenges are for communities within the cost of living crisis. We are doing our best to understand these challenges and to respond by identifying the support that is available. This summit aims to provide tangible outputs so that communities can keep up with the rising cost of living.”
Esther said: “With the levels of deprivation and in-with poverty within the city, the Cost of Living summit is a vital stepping stone in coordinating our citywide response to these”.
The Cost of Living Summit will take place online on the 6th of September, if you wish to find out more or wish to book your place please click here
With more than 500 members, PCVS has been supporting Peterborough’s charities and volunteering groups for 40 years. PCVS membership is free and offers access to invaluable advice and guidance on various areas of running a charity, group or organisation. If you would like to find out how they can support you or want to get involved in one of their forums please contact